S25 | Journey to the Sacred Feminine through Word and Image with Glen Rogers | TUE. OCT. 29 | 3:30–5:30 PM


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Create a mixed media accordion book with text and image inspired by the Sacred Feminine. We will stir the cauldron with goddess archetypes, oracle cards and symbols from ancient matriarchal cultures to the present.

About Glen Rogers

Glen Rogers is an internationally exhibited artist whose work includes painting, prints, artist books and public sculpture. She has lived in San Miguel de Allende since 2017. With an M.F.A. in printmaking, she has taught monoprint workshops throughout her career and offered Art Vacations in Mexico and Peru. Glen has journeyed to ancient sacred sites around the world for inspiration for more than 40 years chronicled by her book, Art & Sacred Sites: Connecting with Spirit of Place. Her work is inspired by the Sacred Feminine and depicts women in their strength as well as their sensuality. Her publications, Symbols of the Spirit: A Meditative Journey Through Art, and oracle decks, Spirit Cards and Sacred Feminine Wisdom are available through her website: glenrogersart.com.


Student Provided Supplies:
Pen & pencil
Glue stick
Fine tipped waterproof felt-tipped pen
Collage material from magazines
Note: Paper for the accordion book will be provided

Watercolor or acrylic paint
Colored pencils
Inspirational saying or poem

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