The Art of the Story Festival Pass offers you a diverse lineup of transformative experiences as well as presentations from international artists, performers, and writers over a three day period.
Choose 5 Two-Hour Sessions from twenty-seven different artistic disciplines such as painting, acting, dance, and writing.
Interact with 3 Afternoon Special Events such as Live Audio Drama: Invasion Earthship, The Deadly Dinner Party: Writing a Murder Mystery 101, and The Inside Story: Ivy and Harrison in Conversation with Danielle Trussoni.
Attend 3 Evening Main Stage Presentations with acclaimed personalities such as Ivy Pochoda and Harrison Ball.
Enjoy 3 Social Events at our pop-up bar Smokey Joe’s. Late-night events include Game Show Night, Jam Sessions, and Open Mic with Judyth Hill.
Finish the three day festival with a glass of wine at the Grand Finale Reception.